
As a class, we were tasked individually to conceptualize a different concept for our Grad Show Event. As a collective, we watch each student present their concept, and we voted on our favourite idea at the end of the semester.

My idea started as an abstract approach to “visualizing the process of the student mind”. Through many, many, many variations I finally ended with “Peculiar Faces”. A graduate Showcase Event that aims to stand out, be bold, draw attention and make the audience pause.

This project was open-ended, with the freedom to explore any idea, concept, and road. The brief; must include social media, a website, a poster series and any additional marketing materials like a mail-out, or email campaign. Five design devices to support the concept of the event.


Branding, Packaging, Advertising, Event


Wilson School of Design




The Graphic Design for Marketing Students, from Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Wilson School of Design, is a diverse, creative, intelligent collective of people. This campaign highlights that last push in university, the scrambling to complete deadlines, and the weird dreams about scratching everything and starting over. You know, that kind of feeling. Nonetheless, all the hard work, trashed ideas, and odd thoughts; we each have our own peculiar processes.


Creating something abstract can’t be simulated on computer software—it’s in the flow of the hand. This project had me covered in paint, chalk, inks, and pastels. I can’t tell you how hard it is to create abstract art but, with a purpose and intention. I drew, painted, and even used nail polish and mustard at one point… How do you depict the inner thoughts and chaos of a fourth-year university student’s mind & process?

Well, I’ve figured out a pretty good way of expressing that through my grad show concept.

After, finding three variations that I deemed suitable for this concept. I digitally retouched and edited the artwork.

target audiences

There are two main target audiences for this campaign; the first is Industry Professionals, those who have experienced Graphic Design in the real world, mastered their skill and grown in the design community. The second audience is students, past, present, and future. This campaign aims to also market KPU | Wilson School of Design as the creative, free-thinking and spirited place that it is, in hopes of inspiring future students to join a program!



Messaging & Media

Peculiar Faces aims to highlight the individuality of each student. The tagline for the campaign and event, "You won't forget our faces," references both the distinct face illustrations and the creative projects and talented individuals behind them. However, we acknowledge that the messaging can occasionally come across as too casual for an art gallery-themed event— it’s about the people, conversation is casual!