
Primaid is the first leading response kit that aids guardians and youth with the topic of mental health and substance use. Primaid focuses on educating parental figures on the causes, effects, and opportunities to support children who use drugs.

Simultaneously, it allows youth to express their emotions in a safe, no confrontational approach—meanwhile, also helping them with recovery through connection and relationships.


Branding, Packaging, Advertising, Education,
Training, Print Publication, Non-Profit




This experience made me realize that there is a significant gap in the support available for youth struggling with substance use. There must be a way for youth to express themselves to their families while, also providing families with training, knowledge, and techniques on how to provide the necessary support.


Prima is a word that signifies first leading or first moving. Prima to us, describes our leading approach to youth and substance use—The first family response kit. 



Family is important, whether it’s blood or chosen—families may look, act and support differently to each person. The embrace of the family can’t compare to any other family. Primaid’s logo embraces that idea, with two anonymous figures reaching from a hug; the logo additionally depicts a plus symbol to signify first aid.


target audiences

One of our audiences includes parents/guardians who have youth who are using substances. This audience is may have a tendency to have rash decision when it comes protecting their youth. These parental figures need materials that can help them support youth in an appropriate, meaningful manner. 

parents & guardians


Youths begin using substances at age 12 as statics say. Our youth audience is between the ages of 12-16 with underlying conditions that ultimately lead them down the path of substances. They are fearful of expressing their needs to parental figures but, want to build their future with both their families and themselves. Being the secondary target yet, the primary source of aid. The relationship between the families ideally will mend with time for youth to express and consolidate their ideas.

Additionally, we want to target B.C. health and mental health associations. Primaid can only be effective if it is placed in a resource centre and assessable to the public. Ultimately, with their help, Primaid can be distributed across Canada to all youth and guardians. 

bc health & mental health

We want to aid parental figures and their youth with the topic of substance use. We educated both parties & aid with approachable solutions to substance use. 

take away

If I were to go back, I would play explore more resources that could play a beneficial role in repairing and maintaining youth & parental relationships. Perhaps, expand the kits to be targeted per substance; ie, a kit specific for cocaine use, or specific for marijuana. This would allow for further expansion of the resources included, and better research behind the complications with each different substances.

This experience made me realize that there is a significant gap in the support available for youth struggling with substance use. My solution is a system to aid youth to express themselves to their families. Additionally, providing families with training, knowledge, and techniques on how to provide the necessary support. The most challenging aspect of this project was finding a medium & design system that was mature enough for adults yet, relatable and digestible for youth. I believe I created a balance between both generations’ needs and wants without compromising the severity of the issue.